ISOPur Fluid Technologies, Inc.


Lubrication in a compressor serves a dual purpose:

  1. Lubricate the internals of the compressor, including spinning bearings and pumping valves at high RPMs.
  2. Because gas temperature increases with pressure, the lubricant oil also serves a critical heat transfer function. This heat can place great oxidative stress on the oil. The net result is varnish buildup.

Varnish on a compressor can build up slowly and insidiously, until one day the compressor suffers a problem or is taken down for maintenance. Varnish may be found to cover nearly all of the critical surfaces, including bearing sleeves and gears.

ISOPur has successfully demonstrated sub-micron purification within large turbo-compressors. In particular, ISOPur has conducted extensive field testing to validate its ability to not only prevent varnish but remove it as well. Read the case study to see how ISOPur BCA has achieved success in compressor applications.

Compressor Case Study